Saturday Sessions

20.07.2024, 15:00–18:00
with Gil Shachar

Fee: 45€ / 36€ marameo members

Open Level


These workshop sessions start with a 60 minute Gaga/ people class followed by a 2 hour research and improvisation session, exploring the material of the teacher, getting to know their own research, exploring Gaga tools deeper as well as movement qualities from the class.

Gaga/people classes offer a framework for users to connect to their bodies and imaginations, experience physical sensations, improve their flexibility and stamina, exercise their agility and explosive power, and enjoy the pleasure of movement in a welcoming, accepting atmosphere.

Throughout the class, participants are guided by a series of evocative instructions deployed to increase awareness of and further amplify sensation. Rather than turning from one prompt to another, information is layered, building into a multisensory, physically challenging experience. While many instructions are imbued with rich imagery, the research of Gaga is fundamentally physical, insisting on a specific process of embodiment. Inside this shared research, the improvisational nature of the exploration enables each participant’s deeply personal connection with Gaga.

20.07.2024, 15:00–18:00
with Gil Shachar


Gaga & Your motion capsule

Following a Gaga/people class, we will channel our over-the-top, multi-sensory experiences into deep presence improvisation research. Using text and images as stimuli, you’ll explore the imaginal and construct your motion capsule.

For further info about our Gaga classes click here!