geleitet von Paula Pröbrock
und Gast-Dozent:innen
Montags, 17:30–18:30
plus ein (Voraussetzung) oder zwei (freiwillig) weitere Kurse
Our first Junior Company for 10-13 year olds.
The marameo Junior Company: the next step onto the stage.
For those who love to dance and want to improve their skills: The marameo Junior Company, offers the opportunity to train more intensively and take on new challenges. Together and under the direction of Paula Pröbrock, longer pieces are created that help young dancers to grow and develop their expressiveness.
In addition to the annual showing at Marameo, there are additional performance opportunities, both at Marameo and at other venues. The Junior Copmany is a chance to gain stage experience and take your passion for dance to the next level!
Our instructor Paula Pröbrock will be the artistic director for the first year of the Junior Company, and guest instructors will provide further input on additional dates.
For interested children and young people: Trial classes are still possible! We ask for pre-registration via email.
The Junior Company will always train with Paula on Mondays from 17:30-18:30, there will also be weekend workshops and additional rehearsal dates by prior arrangement with the group. In order to become part of the Junior Company, we require participation in at least one (ideally two) other regular course(s) from our program for children and young people in addition to the Monday session.