Esther Nicklas

Modern Dance, Improvisation & Choreography

Mondays, 17:30–18:30 (age 14–18 J.)


Esther Nicklas erhielt ihr Diplom als Tanzpädagogin an der Hochschule für Musik und Theater „Felix Mendelsohn Bartholdy“ in Leipzig. Von 1998 bis 2002 absolvierte sie ein zweites Hochschulstudium im Fachbereich zeitgenössische Puppenspielkunst an der HFS „Ernst Busch“. Sie arbeitet als Puppen- und Schauspielerin, Malerin und unterrichtet Moderne Tanztechnik und Choreographie für Kinder- und Jugendliche. Im Fokus ihrer Arbeit steht ein interdisziplinärer Ansatz im Zusammenspiel aus Bewegung, Wort und Bild.

Class description

Modern dance technique on the basis of the Limon technique
The basis for many modern dance techniques is a fundamental knowledge of the classical dance vocabulary such as plié, tendu, jeté, rond de jambe, développé, battement jeté and the five basic positions of the arms and legs. In an extensive warm-up, we will work on these basic skills and extend them to the modern dance language. We will work on different movement qualities, learn to center our body, work on shifting weight off-center and learn how to fall in dealing with tension and release. We train strength and flexibility, and develop dance techniques from contemporary movement vocabulary, such as swings, jumps, floor elements and turns.
In addition to dance technique, which includes spatial orientation, we also dance various step combinations from pop culture to loosen up. In the second part of the lesson, we apply what we have learned in a choreography and try out our dancing expression. The spectrum of our dances ranges from lyrical Adagio, Pop, Hip-Hop and Showdance to instrumental contemporary pieces in which interdisciplinary excursions are integrated.
Students have the possibility to combine the lessons in modern dance technique with a second lesson in choreography & improvisation, but can also attend the dance technique lesson separately.

Choreographie & Improvisation
Inspired by the choreographies and dance vocabulary you learned in the dance technique classes, you can apply what you have learned in the second lesson, combine it anew and invent your own movements. Under guidance you will learn various principles of composition such as canon, motif work, how to deal with space, formations and dynamics and thus develop your own dances. For this purpose I will encourage you again and again to use rhythm, language and materials choreographically in combination with music, and to develop content from this. In the choreographic work you will learn to realize your ideas in smaller groups as well as solo and team dances. You may experiment with material, props and text; I will gladly support you on your excursions into the interdisciplinary space. Participants in this class are obliged to also take a dance technique class, which can be either the hour before, or another modern class at Marameo. In rare cases, exemptions from this can be made for students who already have many years of dance experience and have collected a lot of dance vocabulary in advance.