Contemporary Dance for Beginners on Wednesday, 17.07.24 will be taught by Amanda Donato.

No CI-Class with Karthik Rajomhan on Sunday, 21st of July due to our studio evening.

Course program during the summer:

–> Dancer training: Both the classical and the contemporary dancer training will take place as usual throughout the summer, the only exception is 13.07.2024, on this day the contemporary dancer training will be canceled.

–> All other regular courses are paused during our summer program from 22.07.-31.08.2024.

–> Exceptions:
PBT: paused from 13.-20.07.2024, during the summer program only the Saturday course will take place regularly.
Feldenkrais: paused from 15.07.–20.08.2024 –> starting again on 27.08.24
Pilates with Yuko: paused from 03.08.–24.08.2024 –> starting again on 31.08.24