Contact Improvisation

with Andrew Wass

Thursdays, 19:45–21:15, no entry after 19:50
Open Level

with Karthik Rajmohan

Sundays, 19:00–20:30
Open Level


Contact Improvisation with Andrew Wass

This ongoing class focuses on building technical awareness and strength for Contact Improvisation. By engaging with tools drawn from Material for the Spine, ReWire-Dancing States, Flying Low, and a variety of somatic practices, we will dive deeply into the range of nuance in solo body pathways. Each class will consist of three main parts: a solo somatic tuning in relation to an improvisational triadic principle that expands to include a partner; the practicing of technical solo body pathways; an investigation of a transitional pathway into open dancing. Beginners are welcome!

Contact Improvisation with Karthik Rajmohan

Dive into the core principles of contact improvisation and its dynamics in a shared space. Explore gravity, momentum, and inertia while developing a relationship with the floor and other bodies. How do we engage our range of physical communication from spatial to skin level? How can we embody listening? Tuning into the functions of the different joints in our body and their relationship to the spine, we learn how to move seamlessly through different qualities of movement. Using contact to explore gravity and create momentum through spiraling, sliding, and falling.

An opportunity to develop a body that is spatially agile and ready to flow in and out of contact. Expand our perception to include all bodies in space as part of our dance.

Classes are open level and each session will include basic to advanced techniques.