Csilla Tóth
Dienstags, 18:00–19:15
Offenes Level
Kleines Studio
Beginnt am 23. April!
Csilla studied dance in Budapest, at the Budapest Dance Theatre (BDT) Elit Program focusing on modern and contemporary dance techniques. She learnt repertoire pieces of the BDT, and also performed within the Central European Theatre Terminal program and in independent site-specific performances in Budapest. Furthermore, she acted in silent films produced by Uncertain Station, the Antique Vase and Sweetwood (screened in Budapest Short Film Festival). She also holds a modern dance pedagogy certificate, issued by the Hungarian Dance Pedagogy Association. She moved to Berlin in 2018 and has been active in the dance scene since then.
The relationship between dance and health, preservation of a healthy body and mind has been always in the center of her attention. Previously, she worked as a Yoga Instructor – with a degree obtained by the Bindusar School of Yoga, Rishikesh. In 2020, she started her Feldenkrais training in Berlin, under the pedagogical direction of Patrick Gruner. Her research focuses on how the Feldenkrais method can be used in artist (dancer, actors, musician) education to improve posture, being aware of own habits and successfully challenge them by observing and experiencing possible new pathways.
Class Description
The class starts with one of the Awareness Through Movement (ATM) lessons, developed by Moshe Feldenkrais, between 40-60 minutes. We start with smoothing down our own nervous system, and continue working with slow movements, observation and imagination, to become more aware of our own habits and tensions. Becoming aware what we are actually doing when carrying out the movement, and at the same time experimenting with other possible options, new pathways are opening up, creativity boosts, pain and tension is relieved, and our movement generally becomes more fluid, aligned.
In the last half an hour, this newly learnt skills either are incorporated into bigger movements (through improvisation or smaller sequence), or we specifically work with some topics related to ‘efficient’ movement, like breathing, the using the eyes, jaw etc.